We Need Your Support
Any amount helps us achieve our goals
Redhawk Native American Arts Council is a Not-for-profit 501C3 Indigenous arts and cultural organization, founded and maintained by Native American artists and educators. We are dedicated to educating the public and breaking stereotypes by presenting the traditions and culture of Native People from across North, South, Central America, the Caribbean and the Polynesian Islands.
Each year, Native American students are chosen to receive scholarship funds to help with higher education expenses. Students from the NYC area are encouraged to apply. Our work and commitment to the Arts and Culture of the Americas First People must not end.
Redhawk Native American Arts Council Scholarship Fund
Each year the Redhawk Council raises funds for First Nations college students who reside or attend a college in the New York City area. The scholarship fund allows the Council to continue our mission of supporting the Native American community and investing in the future of young indigenous minds.
Please help support the Redhawk Native American Scholarship fund by donating. If you would like to nominate a student for a scholarship, you may contact Redhawk Council by email at native@redhawkcouncil.org